Michelle Wallen

Business Office Director

About Michelle Wallen

Paramedic. Home health aide. Certified nursing assistant. Healthcare administrator. When it comes to credentials for Business Office Director, Michelle’s 25 years in healthcare raises the bar to a level few could match. She’s worked with seniors since the start of her career, and still finds it as fulfilling as ever. “I have learned so much from working with seniors,” she says. “Many life lessons about living and loving to the fullest. I enjoy hearing the many stories from those who have lied long, rich lives.”

At Modena Cherry Creek, Michelle assists residents and team members in numerous ways, using her varied expertise to solve problems and offer guidance. Compassion is always important to Michelle. “Compassion is a sign of strength, allowing us to loan our strength to others while they work to regain theirs.”

Michelle’s hobbies are varied as well, and include quilting, sewing, knitting, crocheting, stained glass, DIY projects around the house, and listening to true-crime podcasts. She also enjoys caring for her parents, as well as family time with her husband and six children (and cat and dog). Perfection vacation? Where she can see the ocean from her hotel window.

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